By: Nadine Khoury
Integrative & Functional Nutrition Certified Practitioner
Integrative and Functional medical nutrition therapy can be extremely helpful for a wide variety of symptoms and ailments, including depression, fatigue, brain fog, bloating, constipation, abdominal pain, weight gain, joint pain, inflammation, autoimmunity, and thyroid health.
It focuses on the functioning of various systems within the body beyond treating the symptoms by examining the underlying causes driving the condition. It treats the body as a whole interrelated system to bring about balance and an overall state of well-being. This form of therapy supports the body’s natural healing potential through food, nutrients and lifestyle changes that are complimentary to conventional medicine.
Gut health and healthy digestion are arguably the foundation of good overall health. Recent new research has drawn connections between the health of your stomach and intestines and your brain, your heart, your immune system, and, of course, your ability to absorb the nutrients that fuel all the biological mechanisms that keep your body healthy and functioning properly.
Here are a few examples of connections that have been made in the literature:
- Thyroid issues and gut health
- Arthritis and gut health
- Depression and anxiety and gut health
- Autoimmunity and gut health
- Fatigue or lack of energy and gut health
- Proton pump inhibitors or antacid meds and gut health
- Nutrient deficiencies and gut health
- Medications that impact gut bacterial balance and gut health
- Exercise and gut health
Many of these connections can inform a functional medical nutrition therapy approach to help rebalance systems within the body that may have become dysfunctional over time.
Our dietitian Nadine is an integrative and functional certified practitioner who incorporates lifestyle choices and patient-centered treatments where the standard is prevention before the disease progresses, causing the body to break down because of poor diet, stress, sedentary lifestyle, or genetic predispositions. She empowers her patients to take an active role in their health by encouraging evidence-based and practice-based personalized practices and choices. She essentially puts you, the patient, in the driver’s seat of your health journey.
Nadine Khoury
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