Osteopathy is a very gentle and holistic approach that focuses on the root of the problem. The goal of osteopathic treatment is to remove any tensions that may have occurred during pregnancy and/or delivery (either vaginal or C-section) and restore proper balance and alignment of the body to achieve better health and well-being.
With gentle and suitable techniques, the osteopath will re-balance the baby's tensions by working on the spine, abdomen, pelvis, and lower and upper limbs. Tension also can be released around the mouth (throat, jaw, soft palate) if the baby is having difficulties in breastfeeding and bottle feeding. It is beneficial to have the newborn to be checked by an osteopath, even if no symptom has appeared.
Newborns and infants will benefit from the treatment which eases the physical stresses from pregnancy and birth. It is also effective for traumas from difficult delivery (very long, short, or “instrumental delivery”), breastfeeding challenges (latching difficulty, preference for feeding on one side), crying, colic, sleep disturbances, digestive issues (reflux, gas, constipation), head shape asymmetries including plagiocephaly, and torticollis.
1) At what age can the baby see an Osteopath?
The baby can be checked by an osteopath from birth, there is no minimum age. If parents have any particular concerns, the sooner to see an osteopath, the better. But it’s never too late for your baby to have an osteopathic treatment.
2) What can we expect after the treatment?
After addressing certain dysfunctions in the baby’s body, the baby will be adjusted to its new equilibrium. Each baby reacts in its own way, but most likely will be tired. Some babies will be sleepy, some agitated, and some hungry after the treatment. It usually takes 1-4 days or might take a few sessions for the body to recover from the treatment and to achieve particular results.
Luisa Kleiner
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