It’s that time of year again when everyone talks about colds, viruses, and the dreaded flu. Is there a surge of more bacteria and viruses this time of year? Or perhaps it’s a multitude of factors that make us more susceptible to getting sick. The weather changes, hectic schedules, poor eating habits, and stressed-out bodies might have something to do with it….. Do you do anything to keep your household bug-free? This week I want to talk about 3 simple but very effective NATURAL ways to keep you and your loved ones healthy this fall and winter.
Supplement with Vitamin D
According to several medical studies, which included more than 11,000 individuals from more than a dozen countries, researchers found that supplementing with Vitamin D, on a daily or weekly basis, was more effective than the flu vaccine.
Why is Vitamin D so effective? Vitamin D boosts the immune system and reduces your likelihood of catching a cold, virus and the flu. Vitamin D offers protection by increasing antimicrobial peptides in your lungs.
How much should you take? Every morning I give my son 2 drops of Vitamin D and for myself, I take 3 drops. 1 drop = 1000 IU’s. If I am sick, or feel like I’m fighting something I bump up my dose to 5 drops until my symptoms are clear.
For perspective, when we are in the sun for 30 minutes, our body can absorb 10,000-20,000 IU’s of Vitamin D. Vitamin D is known as the sunshine vitamin as we generally get it from the sun. When you think about our seasonal weather, between October to March we generally don’t spend enough time outside, nor do we have enough sunlight to actually get an adequate supply.
Adding in a liquid Vitamin D supplement is a very cost effective and powerful way to boost you and your family’s immunity. -
Be mindful of your sugar intake
Eating or drinking too much sugar curbs immune system cells that attack bacteria. These effects last for several hours after indulging in a big dose of sugar. When we look at our eating habits between October to February there is a lot of indulging. Last night was Halloween, I will admit I ate a few candies, then we move into the holiday season: Hanukkah, Christmas, Diwali, New Year, and Valentine’s Day….they all include get-togethers, celebrations, treats, candies, goodies, etc. Celebrating is fun and I think life should be all about celebrating with people you love but sometimes we are not aware of how much sugar we are consuming. If you eat sweets several times a day, your immune system may be constantly operating at a distinct disadvantage. -
Get adjusted regularly
Chiropractic adjustments have the power to boost your immune system and decrease stress in your body. A study conducted in 2011 showed a 139% increase in a specific immune-boosting hormone (immunoglobulin A-which plays a crucial role in immune function) from spinal adjustments.
And let’s be honest, who here hasn’t felt some stress during the holiday season? Even though it can be a fun and spectacular time of year, not everyone feels the same way. Our schedules tend to get overbooked, our budgets get pushed to the max and some of our relationships stress us out! Chiropractic adjustments bring ease and balance to the body and help your nervous system function at its best.Your family’s chiropractor,
Dr. Lindsay
Dr. Lindsay Grieve
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