There are a lot of misconceptions when it comes to chiropractic care. Most people think that chiropractic care is solely focused on helping people with back and neck pain. Although this is true, we do help people get out of pain and function better, the true purpose of chiropractic is so much more than that. What if I told you that getting regular adjustments would help your brain function better?! A recent study, published by Spinal Research in April 2016, confirmed just that. Chiropractic adjustments change brain function!
This study is especially important as it not only confirms that adjusting the spine affects the brain, it specifically highlights the effect the adjustment has on the prefrontal cortex, “the conductor of the brain”. The prefrontal cortex is where higher learning and cognition happen.
Why is this so cool? The prefrontal cortex is responsible for behavior, goal-directed tasks, decision-making, memory & attention, intelligence, processing of pain (and the emotional response to it), autonomic function, motor control, eye movements, and spatial awareness. This area plays a critical role for kids and adults with attention and focus problems, memory, and learning issues.
The subjects in the 2016 study had a 20% improvement in brain function with just one adjustment!
What does this mean for you? Every time we adjust the spine, there is a big, positive impact on the brain. A brain that is functioning and conducting its activities better is, without a doubt, having a more positive impact on the body.
Dr. Lindsay Grieve
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