Discover the Balance of Acupuncture

Ancient practice meets modern wellness.

Acupuncture is a time-honored healing technique rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine that involves the gentle insertion of thin needles at specific points on the body. This practice aims to balance the body's energy flow, known as Qi, promoting natural healing and well-being. Many find relief from stress, chronic pain, and various health conditions through acupuncture. Embrace a holistic approach to health and explore how acupuncture can support your body's natural balance and vitality.

TCM Acupuncture

*Please note: acupuncture may be provided by both Registered Acupuncturists and Naturopathic Doctors. Please take note of the licensure of your practitioner when booking if this is relevant to your health insurance coverage.*

Acupuncture stimulates the flow of Qi energy that in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is considered essential to health and optimal wellbeing. When the body is in healthy vitality, Qi flows smoothly through the meridians that make up the conceptual network of pathways through the body. When Qi is obstructed or deficient or out of balance, the body cannot function at its best.

Acupuncture can be used as a treatment option for both symptom relief, as in pain, muscular or nerve injury as well as for system wellbeing as in cases for fertility care or anxiety. In western medicine the yin/yang balance acupuncture aims to achieve is known as homeostasis.

Acupuncture is a safe and effective treatment option which stimulates endorphins and encourages healing both locally and systemically.

Therapeutic effects include but are not limited to:

Pain relief
Increased energy
Improved mood
Improved sleep
Reduced anxiety

Dr. Christine (Ye Lim) Chung

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Dr. Ishani Patel

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Dr. Julie [Kay] Amar

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Mr. Sam (Shan) Jiang

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Mr. Yao Hui Xing

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Thrive Natural Family Health

110 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 502,
Toronto, ON
M4P 2Y1


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