How do you fare with change?
Most people will say - not well. They don't like it. Myself, I don't love it. It makes me uncomfortable. Change can challenge us - make us better, build our reservoir of resilience and confidence, and it can also make us wary of "the new". But whether we like it or not, embrace it or not, change will happen regardless. We grow and change, meet people who may challenge us, learn new things at school or work, differing roles in our relationships....all of it leads to life transitions that create and build on change.
As we get older, some of those transitions can be more difficult as we take on different roles - career changes, parent of young children to grown children, relationship changes, spouse to caregiver, able-bodied to achy or less able-bodied; and some transitions force us to ask for help in different ways.
Often people can struggle to ask for help, feeling like they'll be seen as a failure, weak, and pitied. There's nothing wrong with asking for help - and yes, there are people out there who sometimes have the wrong intentions, and can make you feel worse for reaching out, but forget those people!
If someone you knew was struggling, how would you support them or talk to them to help them? Is that how you are supporting yourself? Talking to yourself?
How can you focus on the positive aspects of your life even when facing challenges?
Talking to someone in the same situation or going through the same thing, can help you find the strength to keep going.
We will be starting an 8-week virtual caregiver support group, where we will discuss our emotional well-being and how we are coping, as well as sharing coping skills. The group will be an opportunity to talk with your peers about burnout, grief and grieving, self-care, life post-caregiver, and learning new strategies.
Fee: $300 ( can be reimbursed through private insurance )
Click Here to book an appointment with Lisa Sutherland